PETA Blasts Mayor Eric Adams For 'Villainizing' NYC's Rat Population

Brittany M. Hughes | May 16, 2024

New York City Mayor Eric Adams caught flak earlier this week for suggesting illegal aliens would make fantastic city lifeguards, given that they’re clearly “excellent swimmers.” What with all their practice fording the Rio Grande and all.

But while he’s doling out apologies, Adams might want to offer a mea culpa to NYC’s rat population, which People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals claim he demonized when he said during a speech this week that he “hated” the disease-carrying, dangerous rodents.

And no, we’re not talking about the Democrats who run the place.

Adams announced earlier this week that New York City will soon host the first "national urban rat summit," bringing together leaders from major American cities to discuss ways to mitigate the urban rat problem.

"We continue to make progress, but we’re not stopping there," Adams said, noting that he “hates rats” (after all, the beady-eyed creatures did once land him with a city citation for infesting his Brooklyn townhouse).

Related: 'They're Excellent Swimmers': NYC Mayor Eric Adams Suggests Using 'Migrants' to Fill Lifeguard Shortage

"The best way to defeat our enemy is to know our enemy. That’s why we’re holding this inaugural summit, to bring experts and leaders from across the country together to better understand urban rats and how to manage their populations,” he went on.

But apparently, having a problem with germ-ridden rodents filling up the city’s already-crime-ridden subway stations is offensive to PETA, who apparently watched Ratatouille and thought it was a documentary.

"Instead of trash-talking rats, Mayor Adams should focus on clearing New York’s streets of the massive heaps of garbage attracting them in the first place," PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman said. "PETA is calling on Adams to stop villainizing rats for a problem created by humans and to address this issue with respect and understanding.”

Perhaps he’s got at least somewhat of a point: maybe it New York City weren’t such a dumpster fire in the first place, the rat population wouldn’t be busting at the seams.

But it’s hard to gin up much sympathy for diseased little wormtails with a penchant for biting and crapping all over the sidewalk. On second thought, ship them all to San Francisco - they’ll fit right in.

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