Things No One Asked For: California May Ban Sale of Anti-Aging Products to Kids Under 13

Brittany M. Hughes | May 17, 2024

California is mulling over a ban on selling anti-aging skin care products to children under the age of 13.

Because, as we all know, if something is questionable or silly, it’s the government’s job to put a taxpayer-funded stop to it.

The premise? Young teen girls are using anti-aging products thanks to TikTok trends and social media influencers - when they aren’t scarfing Tide Pods or choking themselves out, of course. The products, which often contain ingredients like retinol and hyaluronic acid, can cause skin irritation to those with a sensitive epidermis, especially in younger people. (And by skin irritation, we mean thing like itchiness and temporary dermatitis, not irreparable skin damage and melanoma.)

To make sure preteens under the age of 13 aren’t using products made for women going through a midlife crisis, AB 2491 would require businesses to take measures like putting up a notice next to products or online descriptions indicating they are not meant for anyone under 13, or requiring customers to show their ID to buy the products, which are readily available on drug store shelves.

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The Union Democrat notes that “the Personal Care Products Council, a Washington, D.C. based trade association that represents hundreds of global cosmetics and personal care products companies, opposes the bill, calling it ‘a hastily drafted attempt to use legislative force to stop a social media trend. Every ingredient targeted by this bill is safe when used as directed at the appropriate age.’”

Probably because it's not the government’s job to keep people - including kids - from doing stupid things, especially if said stupid thing isn’t causing significant harm. Maybe - just maybe - it should be up to the parents to make sure their 11-year-old kid isn’t spending 14 hours a day on TikTok and scrubbing her face raw with Oil of Olay.

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