71% of Adults Want Disney to Return to Wholesome Programming…Dems and Wealthy, Not So Much

Craig Bannister | May 7, 2024

Nearly three-fourths of American adults want Disney to stop sexualizing its shows and “return to wholesome programming,” but Democrat supporters and the wealthy are less in favor of Disney removing LGBTQ+ sexual indoctrination from its content for kids, a new survey reveals.

A national Rasmussen survey, conducted April 21-25, asked the following question about Disney’s content and parents’ responsibility to teach their kids about sexuality:

“Do you agree or disagree with this statement: ‘Disney should return to wholesome programming and allow parents to decide when their children are taught about sexuality’?”

Fully 71% of adults agree that it’s not Disney’s place to preach sexuality to children, with more than half (53%) strongly agreeing. That’s more than three times the 22% who don’t think that Disney should clean up its act around kids.

While still in the majority, fewer adults affiliated with the Democrat Party (58%) or earning over $200,000 annually (60%) want Disney go back to providing wholesome programming.

In a separate question, the survey asked about Disney’s self-professed practice of inundating young views with LGBTQIA characters:

“A Disney executive has said the company has ‘many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories.’ Is such programming appropriate for children under age 12?”

A 54% majority of adults say that subjecting children to a constant barrage of sexually-deviant characters is not appropriate, while a third (33%) say that it is.

Again, Democrats and high-income voters are more in favor of Disney’s current, sexual-identity content portraying “many, many, many” LGBTQIA characters. While about half of all American adults think LGBTQIA characters are not appropriate for children, half of Democrats (58%) and those earning $200,000+ (60%) think they are appropriate.

Less than half (46%) of adults currently have a favorable impression of Disney, while 45% have an unfavorable impression, the survey found.

Disney Entertainment Company’s fortunes have fallen ever since it became a proud purveyor of radical liberal propaganda, especially regarding biologically-incoherent sexual ideology:

  • Walt Disney World has witnessed a drastic decrease in summer crowds, as Disney continues to sexualize everything aimed at kids while, at the same time, censoring references to “ladies and gentlemen” and “boys and girls” at its park.
  • Disney’s stock price fell drastically after former Disney CEO Bob Chapek decided to publicly oppose Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ “Parental Rights in Education Act,” which protects children from gender ideology indoctrination in schools. 
  • Disney has suffered a string of Box Office flops (“Wish,” “Haunted Mansion,” “The Marvels“), with even its iconic brands struggling for relevancy after years of culture dominance (“Indiana Jones,” Pixar, “Star Wars,” the MCU).
  • Disney was rated the worst major Hollywood studio in 2023 and lost more than a half-billion dollars ($628 million) on just four films.
  • Disney has relinquished its self-governance and control over its district and ended all pending litigation in Florida state court.
  • Even liberal comedian and commentator Bill Maher is speaking out in defense of Gov. DeSantis’ efforts to condemn and combat the sexual indoctrination of young children by Disney.


Nonetheless, rather correct course, Disney has chosen to denounce its audience for being too bigoted (sexist, racist, etc.) to appreciate its radical propaganda targeting children.