Chief’s Harrison Butker Helps Foster’s Outriders Award ‘Good Neighbors Grants’

Craig Bannister | May 17, 2024

In his role as Kindness Ambassador, Kansas City Chiefs’ Kicker Harrison Butker helps the Foster’s Outriders charity recognize people and groups that provide kindness in their local communities.

As ambassador, the Super Bowl Champion Chiefs’ kicker helps supports Foster’s Outriders’ Good Neighbors Grants initiative, as The Daily Caller explains:

“The original Good Neighbor Grant was recently given to Spencer of SB Mowing that is located in Wichita, Kansas. Without charge, Spencer helps out his neighbors to maintain their lawn, and shows support to those who have a hard time keeping up with their yards.

“To recognize Spencer’s kindness, Butker brought Spencer to a recent Chiefs game as a guest, and there, Foster’s Outriders honored Spencer by rewarding him with two grants. Featured in the grants was $10,000 for Spencer, as well as brand new Bad Boy Mowers lawn equipment, which benefits the Hope Center of Kansas City.”

In Spencer’s case, Butker took him to a Chiefs game, where he was awarded $10,000 in grant money.

“Foster's Outriders is grateful for Harrison's volunteer efforts to lift up those who are answering Christ's call to ‘love thy neighbor’ as our Good Neighbor Ambassador,” Foster’s Outriders told CNSNews Friday.

“We're looking forward to our continued partnership to spread kindness,” Foster’s Outriders added.

To help promote Foster’s Outrider’s efforts to recognize and reward good works, Butker wore a message on his cleats highlighting the charity during games last year, the Chief’s kicker explains on Instagram:

“This year for My Cause My Cleats, I chose to highlight and honor one organization that is showcasing the good works of others. Foster’s Outriders is on a mission to empower ordinary people doing the extraordinary work of spreading God’s love through acts of service in communities across America.

“Founded by Foster and Lynn Friess, Foster’s Outriders holds that a person’s value isn’t in who they are or what they’ve accomplished. No matter the differences, outriders are always looking out for those who’ve fallen by the wayside. Remembering that our neighbor is anyone created in the image and likeness of God, a good outrider makes a habit of giving because what we have isn’t just meant for us.

“I am excited to shed light on this organization and the numerous people they are uplifting.”


“We call ordinary leaders to saddle up and lend a hand to those in need so that together we can lead America down a better path,” the Foster’s Outriders website says:

“Through our involvement in various projects and our embodiment of civic values, we make sure that ordinary people don’t get left behind, and that America lives by the ideals our Founding Fathers set out for us.”

Former Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) is the chairman of Foster's Outriders foundation.