Is This 1939 Germany? UCLA Anti-Zionist Activists Require Wristbands to Enter Area Near Library

Nick Kangadis | April 30, 2024

If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I hate bullies. I know hate is a strong word, but I just don’t like people taking advantage of the vulnerable or those they know they can get away with their actions with. For me, the only way to deal with a bully is to bully them back. I just hope that these anti-Zionist, anti-Israel, terroristic scum on college campuses get bullied back very soon.

Leave it to a college in Commiefornia to allow protesters/terrorists to overtake their campus and replace the adults clearly not in charge with these pieces of garbage. I only use these strong terms in describing these people, because they are clearly Nazis. I’m sorry, but after you hear and see what they’re doing, I dare anyone to argue with me.

At the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA), these weak terrorists have blockaded an area near the school library and are requiring wristbands for students to enter, as if they’re in charge.

Just watch:

Related: Pro-Hamas Activists Physically Bar Jewish Student From Class at UCLA

And who the f**k are you people? Yes, I said “you people.” If I were these students being prevented from entering for not being a part of the activists barbaric and anti-God religion, I’d have their parents sue the school for at least part of their tuition for lack of access to resources they pay for.

"Allahu Akbar" could be heard being yelled in the background, so is this "the religion of peace" at work yet again? Or is it a combination of that and brainwashed cultists acting like they're adding value to society?

Maybe it’s just because I’m a big dude, but I would act like these people didn’t exist and walk straight through them. If they laid their hands on me, then they’re inviting a trouble they haven’t anticipated.

These scumbags have been entitled, spoiled little pricks for most of their lives, being placated at every turn and given trophies for their mediocrity. Either that, or they come from places with Eastern philosophies that directly contradict with our Western society, and not only do they refuse to assimilate, but they attempt to subvert the way of life that allows them to be the coddled trash they are.

People need to begin realizing that these “protesters” have no real power. They’re weak people who understand there’s strength in numbers. Individually, they’d crumble and portray victimhood — not that they don’t play the victims when they have numbers as well.


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