CNN, MSNBC Fret Over Push for Armed Teachers in TN Schools

bradwilmouth | April 16, 2024
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Over the last few weeks as a bill made its way through the Tennessee legislature to permit local areas to decide whether to let teachers concealed carry firearms to deter mass shooters, several MSNBC hosts found it "shocking" and brought on one or more of their favorite far-left Democrats from the Tennessee State House of Representatives -- Justin Jones, Justin Pearson, and Gloria Johnson -- to smear Republicans and even push conspiracy theories.

MSNBC host Ali Velshi claimed that the new law was "worse than doing nothing," and, on the April 28 edition of his eponymous weekend show, went along with State Representative Justin Jones's theory that Republicans hope arming teachers will scare parents away from sending their children to public schools. Velshi responded: "I don't want my kids going to a place where there's yet more guns in the school. I'd like zero guns in the schools."

A bit after Jones declared that Governor Bill Lee (R-TN) "has no conscience and no courage," weekend host Alex Witt concluded the segment on her April 27 show by gushing: "I'm really glad you were voted back in office."

A few minutes earlier, among his substantial trashing of Republicans, Jones further declared: "...the governor just spit on the face of all these people and spit on the graves of the six people killed by signing this law. Nothing to reign in gun violence like common sense gun laws that would expand universal background checks, ban assault weapons, red flag laws. Instead, he's putting a law to arm teachers -- something that no teachers want in our state."

Stephanie Ruhle found the push to arm teachers "almost too much to believe," and Katie Phang labeled the move "really flawed and dangerous policies." MSNBC also allowed Democrat guests to claim that no one except pro-gun lobbyists asked for the new law.

By contrast, CNN hosts at least had right-leaning guests on to explain why they support the move. CNN This Morning Weekend host Victor Blackwell had a surprisingly sober reaction on April 28 as he allowed CNN contributor and MRC alum Stephen Gutowski on as a guest so he could explain that some rural schools had difficulty finding qualified resource officers and wanted to open up the possibility of school staff stepping in to fill the void.

A few weeks earlier, CNN weekday host Sara Sidner provocatively quoted left-wing protesters who chanted, "Kill the bill, not the kids" as they opposed guns in schools, and her voice cracked as she discussed the issue, but, unlike MSNBC, at least she did allow State Senator Paul Bailey (R-TN) to appear as a guest so he could recall that the legislature had already supplied funding to hire more resource officers, but some schools had failed to find qualified candidates, making other options necessary: "We provided over $140 million to go directly to those school districts for them to be able to hire school resource officers. ... But the situation is there's not enough qualified individuals to be able to fill those positions."

While some of the liberal guests invoked the Covenant school shooting that occurred in the state in 2023, it was not mentioned that that school was a gun-free zone or that nearly all mass shooters who target public places choose gun-free zones to make it less likely they will face resistance, thus pointing to a deterrence value of armed teachers.

And while Democrat guests fretted that armed teachers would lead to more violence, MSNBC hosts ignored research finding that schools with armed teachers tend to be safer.



CNN News Central

April 10, 2024

8:02 a.m. Eastern

JOHN BERMAN (in opening plug): Backlash in Tennessee after lawmakers pass a law that would allow teachers to carry concealed guns in their classrooms.


8:42 p.m.

SARA SIDNER (before commercial break): All right, up next, some teachers and parents up in arms over a bill in Tennessee that could allow teachers and staff members to carry a gun on school grounds. We'll talk to the bill's co-sponsor coming up.


8:49 p.m.

SIDNER: "Kill the bill, not the kids." That's what some parents and teachers are chanting about a bill in Tennessee that allows teachers and school staff to carry guns at school. The bill just passed by the senate -- state senate in a 26-5 vote, and now it goes to the house. It allows Tennessee teachers to carry concealed handguns in K-12 schools. The bill also puts the debate over arming educators right back in the spotlight. Currently, 34 states ban teachers and the general public from carrying guns onto public school property according to Every Town for Gun Safety.

Let's discuss this now with Tennessee State Senator Paul Bailey. You are the sponsor of this bill. First of all, why do you think this will make schools safer for children and staff?


You know, you said the sheriff's association is sort of at the forefront of pushing this bill and influenced you certainly -- we saw what happened in Uvalde, though, with people who are trained with weapons -- police officers who did not respond in a quick matter. What makes you think that teachers  under this kind of stress would be able to handle this with all that they already have to do?


All right, I want to play for you what Lauren Shipman-Dorrance has to say about the bill. She is a teacher in Nashville. Here's what she said.

LAUREN SHIPMAN-DORRANCE, NASHVILLE TEACHER: I really thought the lieutenant governor would listen to the voice of the people. You know, we know overwhelmingly so many Tennesseeans do not support legislation like this. I don't know if I'd feel safe to stay in a teaching role, to be honest with you.

SIDNER: There is already a shortage of teachers. What do you say to her, that she doesn't think she'll feel safe with other folks, staff members, potentially other teachers, walking around armed in a school?


I'm curious if any of the schools talked to you about this and asked for this?


So, sir, why not -- why not pass legislation -- why not pass legislation to fund more school resource officers instead of putting this on the teachers or the staff members there who, as you know, are overtaxed? They have to do so many things in classrooms now from being counselors to teaching, you know, math and science and English. Why not just say, "Okay, let's -- let's fund the resource officers who are trained"?

STATE SENATOR BAILEY: Well, I'm glad you brought that up because we had a special session last year and dealt with that. We provided over $140 million to go directly to those school districts for them to be able to hire school resource officers. And, as of just the beginning of this legislative session at the end of January, $98 million of that had been drawn down into those local school districts for them to be able to provide SRO officers. But the situation is there's not enough qualified individuals to be able to fill those positions. I'm also carrying legislation that would allow any retired law enforcement officer that would like to go back for at least two years and be a school resource officer to be able to do so without losing their retirement benefits. So we've been working in many ways to try to make sure that our schools are as safe as possible here in Tennessee.

SIDNER: State Senator Paul Bailey, thank you so much for coming on and asking -- and answering the questions. Appreciate it.


MSNBC's The 11th Hour

April 11, 2024

11:24 p.m. Eastern

STEPHANIE RUHLE: Meanwhile, this week, the Tennessee State Senate advanced a bill there to arm their teachers and school staff in the face of local protests. If passed, the move would mark one of the state's biggest expansions of gun access since the deadly Covenant school shooting that took place in Nashville last year. Here to discuss, Tennessee State Representative Justin Jones. You know him as one of the Tennessee Three. He was reinstated to his position one year ago yesterday after he was peacefully protesting gun violence. And Rachel Wegner joins us -- a children's reporter at The Tennessean and USA Today network. Rachel, what should we know about this bill? Because it's almost too much to believe.


But once they do that, a teacher could have a gun on their belt while teaching the third grade?

WEGNER: Yeah, and another thing that has raised a lot of concerns is that they won't need to disclose which staff members are carrying weapons in the schools to teachers, parents, and possibly even other teachers around them.

RUHLE: Representative Jones, what is your reaction to this? What are people in your district telling you?

STATE REPRESENTATIVE JUSTIN JONES (D-TN): I mean, so many people are outraged, you know. The Tennessee Republican supermajority continues to hold our state at gunpoint and put more guns on our streets, and now they're trying to force guns into our classrooms. I think the most asinine thing about this, Stephanie, is that we live in a state where we've passed laws saying we don't trust teachers to pick the books in their classrooms. We don't trust teachers to pick their own curriculum about history. But now we want to say we want teachers to carry guns in our schools when every parent we saw show up in our committees, said, "Please don't do this -- more guns are not the solution, and they'll make out children and our schools more unsafe."

RUHLE: We don't even provide those teachers with the school supplies they need to do their jobs. Rachel, what are parents and teachers saying about this?

WEGNER: So I would say fairly wide outcry against the passage of the bill now in our state senate has been rolling this week. It is yet to be taken up by our house, but, as we've got into that potential hearing, lots of folks are planning to continue their protests and speaking out against this over their concerns for all the ways things could go wrong. Supporters of the bill have, you know, a different viewpoint on that, but teachers, parents, students, I've almost unanimously heard them say they're opposed to it, and they're worried about what it means.

RUHLE: Representative, what do you say to people who argue, "Well, schools have the option to opt out." Is that good enough?


JONES: And so what we're hearing in our state is people saying that our legislature is morally insane. We have a Republican supermajority that has just lost their mind and, you know, passing laws just last week to honor the Tennessee Rifle the same week that we are recognizing the Covenant tragedy here in our state -- a mass shooting that took the lives of three nine-year-olds and three adults, and, you know, we're going to honor a gun? And the only law that we passed after the Covenant mass shooting was to protect firearms manufacturers. So what we're seeing is a Republican supermajority that is beholden to the gun industry -- that is beholden to gun extremists -- that is beholden to the NRA, and that is not listening to the people of Tennessee.


MSNBC's The Last Word

April 12, 2024

10:37 a.m. Eastern

STATE SENATOR LONDON LAMAR (D-TN): This is irresponsible! The public school teachers don't even want the bill! They're not even asking you for this! We just passed legislation to have SROs in every school -- can we see if that works yet?! I'm upset not out of -- because I don't like you all individually -- because I'm mad because this bill puts my child at risk and all the mothers I hear that just got put out! They're saying their children at risk! Look at that gallery! They're asking you not to do this! (editing jump) Put partisan politics aside -- I ask you this all the time, but this bill is dangerous. Don't do it. (editing jump) Teachers don't want it, the school districts don't want it, nobody doesn't want it, it's not going to work! It's going to cause more school shootings. (editing jump) What happened today is a gallery full of mothers who are concerned, and we put them out because you're trying to put guns in teachers' hands! We ought to be ashamed, Mr. Speaker.

KATIE PHANG: That was the scene in the Tennessee Senate this week. State Senator London Lamar with her eight-month-old baby and a microphone in her hands begging Republicans not to vote to put more guns in schools. Yes, more guns, not less. This week, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee advanced legislation that would allow some teachers to carry concealed guns. Last April, just days after three children and three staff members were killed in a mass shooting at the Covenant school in Nashville, Donald Trump gave a speech pushing for armed teachers. And so a year later Tennessee Republicans have decided that their solution to gun violence in schools is more guns in schools.


Representative Pearson, I know that you're familiar with the being silenced when you're trying to speak out in that hall, but what is the justification that is coming from your colleagues on the other side of the aisle to vote on a bill and approve it that is not wanted by anyone? It's been tried before in some other counties in Tennessee -- hasn't worked -- and I understand there's an opt out in this legislation, but -- and I understand maybe that the voices in support of this say, "Well, there's training, and there's, you know, a certain component of it, but how is it possible that they're so tone deaf about what's really wanted to protect the children in these schools?

STATE REPRESENATATIVE JUSTIN J. PEARSON (D-TN): This is a dangerous piece of legislation that puts at risk every child in our schools, including putting our teachers at risk as well. You don't have a single teacher in our district or in this state who are asking the legislature to pass this type of legislation. And they certainly aren't asking for us to do it by kicking out mothers from the galleries and those who are advocating on behalf of their kids in the process. What we are seeing is the cowardice of the Republican party in our state, refusing to address the epidemic of gun violence, which is the number one killer of our children, and instead of ending the epidemic by doing something about the guns that are being proliferated in our communities and doing something that would stand up to the National Rifle Association and the Tennessee Firearms Association, and they're attacking parents, and they're actually making our schools less safe. They're bringing guns into gun-free zones, and this is only going to have horrendous ramifications for children who will access these weapons and these guns -- for teachers who might accidentally shoot or harm their students. These are the real challenges that are going to come from this terrible legislation.


PHANG: I want to harp on this for our viewers to understand. Mothers like Beth Gebhard who talk about this experience, they're being silenced. These are not politicians, right? These are not -- these are not lobbyists for anti-gun or anti-2nd Amendment kind of propositions, These are parents that only want to keep their kids safe. And yet they're being silenced. They're being removed from a public forum because they just want to share their concerns about really flawed and dangerous policies and legislation that's getting passed in your state?

STATE REPRESENTATIVE PEARSON: This is the way that the Tennessee Republican party works. They silence the voices of dissent in order that they can corrupt, be corrupt and use their power and corrupted absolutely using it. And they wield it against anybody that they believe is going to stand up against them. This is why Representative Jones and I were expelled. This is why the mothers are consistently being kicked out of the gallery and kicked out of committee rooms even during our special session to address public safety. They're not interested in the safety of our kids -- they're not interested in the safety of our teachers. They do not want to end the gun violence epidemic -- they only want to proliferate it with bad policies and legislation that is supported by the Tennessee Firearms Association and supported by the National Rifle Association. They are not interested in making our communities safer




Colorado Springs    5 (23)  ---                 Nov. 19, 2022 --- white male (22 yrs)         --- semi rifle,

(Colorado)                                                                                                                         --- legally bought

(gay bar)


DeKalb                      5 (22) ---                 Feb. 14, 2008 --- white male (27 yrs)      --- semi pistol, shotgun

(Illinois)                                                                                                                          --- legally bought   

(Northern Illinois Univ)


Tehama County      5 (16) ---                 Nov. 13, 14, 2017 --- white male (44 yrs)    --- semi rifle ghost gun,

(California)                                                                                                                  --- pistols, defied order to

(spree)                                                                                                                         --- surrender guns


Dallas                       5 (16)---                  July 7, 2016 --- black male (25 yrs)                --- semi rifle,

(Texas)                                                                                                                         --- legally bought

(streets near

El Centro College)


Craighead County 5 (15) ---                   Mar. 24, 1998 --- 2 white males (13, 11 yrs)  --- rifles, pistols stolen

(Arkansas)                                                                                                                              --- from grandfather

(Westside Middle School)


Louisville                         5(13) ---           Apr 10, 2023  --- white male (25 yrs)             --- AR 15

(Kentucky)                                                                                                                           --- legally bought

(bank, workplace)


Aurora                      5 (11) ---                  Feb 15, 2019        --- black male (45 yrs)      --- semi pistol, passed

(Illinois) background check in Illinois and bought gun despite past record in Mississippi, police failed to confiscate firearm after his history was discovered later during concealed carry application

(Henry Pratt Co. workplace)


Ft. Lauderdale         5 (11) ---                  Jan. 6, 2017           --- Hispanic male (26 yrs) --- pistol,

(Florida)                                                                                                                         --- legally bought



Nickel Mines           5 (10) ---                  Oct. 2, 2006 --- white male (32 yrs)        --- shotgun, handgun, rifle


(Amish school)


Tacoma                    5 (10) ---                 July 5, 1998            --- 4 Asian males


(cafe, gang hit)


Salt Lake City        5(9)                            Feb. 12, 2007   --- Muslim male (18 yrs)             --- shotgun, revolver,

(Utah)                                                                                 --- Bosnian immigrant                 --- legally bought

(Trolley Square Mall)


East Lansdowne      5(7)  ---                  Feb. 7, 2024           ---  Asian male (43 yrs)          --- pistol

(Pennsylvania)                                                                        --- immigrant from Vietnam

(family home)


Raleigh                      5(7) ---                   Oct 13, 2022           --- white male (15 yrs)          --- handgun, shotgun

(North Carolina)                                                                                                                       --- stole from father



Corsicana, Frost      5(7)                          Feb. 5, 2022         --- white male (41 yrs)          --- handgun

(Texas)                                                                                                                                      --- felon barred from owning

(2 family homes)


Denver, Lakewood      5(7)                      Dec. 27, 2021      --- white male (47 yrs)          

(Colorado)                                                                                --- right wing podcaster



Santa Monica          5 (7) ---                  June 7, 2013 --- Lebanese male (24 yrs)    --- semi rifle self assembled

(California)                                                                    born citizen      

(Santa Monica College)


Philadelphia           5(7)                         July 2-3, 2023  --- black male (40 yrs)              --- rifle

(Pennsylvania)                                                                                                                    --- ghost gun (had criminal record)



Annapolis               5 (7) ---                    Jun. 28, 2018 --- white male (38 yrs)              --- shotgun,

(Maryland)                                                                                                                     --- legally bought

(Capital Gazette office)


Chattanooga          5 (7) ---                    Jul. 16, 2015 --- Arab male (24 yrs)                 --- rifle, handgun, shotgun,

(Tennessee)                                                                 citizen immigrant                   --- legally bought

(Navy base)


Santa Monica        5(7)                              Jun. 7, 2013 --- Arab male (21 yrs)            --- AR-15

(California)                                                                                                                        --- self-assembled


Santa Monica College)


New York City        5 (7) ---                May 24, 2000 --- black male (37 yrs)             --- gun blackmarket,

(New York)                                                                                                                  -- stolen from orig owner

(Wendy's robbery)


Seattle                     5 (6) ---                  May 30, 2012 --- white male (40 yrs)               --- handgun,

(Washington)                                                                                                                 --- legally bought



Henderson              5 (6) ---                   Jun 25, 2008  --- white male (25 yrs)          --- pistol


(plastics factory workplace)


Tinkley Park            5 (6) ---                  Feb. 2, 2008 ---     unknown


(clothing store robbery)


Iowa City                5 (6) ---                    Nov. 1, 1991 --- Chinese male (28 yrs)        --- revolver

(Iowa)                                                                             immigrant

(University of Iowa)


Sampson County       5(5)                    Oct. 26, 2023 --- unknown

(North Carolina)



Sequatchie                 5(5)                    June 15, 2023  --- white male (48 yrs)         --- barred from owning guns



Cleveland                5 (5) ---                  Apr. 28, 2023 --- Hispanic male (38 yrs)     --- semi rifle,

(Texas)                                                                                 illegal immigrant              --- illegally owned

(family home/neighbors)


Inman                        5(5)     ---             Oct 10, 2022 --- black male (24 yrs)

(South Carolina)

(drug house)


McGregor                  5(5)    ---             Sept 29, 2022 --- Hispanic male (35 yrs)


(family home,



Lancaster                  5(5)    ---              Nov. 28, 2021  --- black male (29 yrs)            --- handgun, shotgun


(family home)


Williamsburg             5(5)    ---             Dec. 8, 2020  --- white woman (25 yrs)        --- shotgun

(West Virginia)

(family home)


Monroe                     5(5)                      June 11, 2020    --- black woman (30 yrs)      --- bought gun legally


(home, neighbor)


Milwaukee               5(5)                      Apr 27, 2020    --- black male (43 yrs)            --- criminal history


(family home)


Milwaukee              5 (5) ---                    Feb. 26, 2020 --- black male (51 yrs)              --- 2 semi pistols,

(Wisconsin)                                                                                                                    --- built his own guns

(brewery, workplace)


Chicago                   5(5)                           Oct 12, 2019   --- black male (66 yrs)


(home, neighbor)


Elkmont                  5(5)                            Sept 2, 2019   ---  white male (14 yrs)


(family home)


White Swan            5(5)                            June 8, 2019    --- 2 Native men




Ascension,              5(5)                          Jan. 26, 2019    --- white male (21 years)        --- handgun

Livingston                                                                                                                             --- stolen from father


(family homes)


Bakersfield             5(5)                          Sept 13, 2018   ---  Hispanic man (54 yrs)     --- handgun


(home invasion)


Orlando                   5 (5) ---                    Jun. 5, 2017 --- white male (45 yrs)               --- handgun


(factory, workplace)


Burlington              5 (5) ---                    Sept 23, 2016 -- Turkish male (20 yrs)          --- semi rifle

(Washington)                                                                                                                --- stolen from step father,

(Cascade mall)                                                                                                             --- could not pass background check         


South Valley            5(5)                          Jan. 19, 2013 --- Hispanic male (15 yrs)      --- AR-15

(New Mexico)                                                                                                                    --- father's gun

(family home)