MRC’s Schneider and Graham SLAM NewsGuard’s Leftist Bias on Newsmax

Gabriela Pariseau | December 14, 2023
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MRC’s Dan Schneider and NewsBusters Executive Editor Tim Graham joined Newsmax to highlight MRC's third explosive study on news reliability rating firm NewsGuard and its worsening bias against right-leaning media. Using the AllSides Media Bias Chart, MRC researchers analyzed NewsGuard's “credibility” ratings and found that the firm gave an average rating of 91/100 for “left” and “lean left” outlets while slapping a low average of 65/100 on “right” and “lean right” outlets. “NewsGuard, for years, has been silencing conservatives, directing ad revenue to liberals instead, choking off the lifeblood of conservative media outlets,” said  Schneider.