MSNBC Attempts Defense of Obama/Clinton Contradictions, Conflicts

Kristian Kafozoff | October 18, 2016
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Thus far, the ongoing WikiLeaks releases of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail information on controversial conversations received minimal press coverage over the weekend as a conflict in US-Russian relations has unfolded over alleged Russian cyber hacks into the Clinton campaign.

On Monday’s Morning Joe, however liberal commentators discussed disagreements and conflicts between President Obama and Clinton over issues ranging from foreign policy to counterterrorism, economic regulation, and heated campaign conflicts during the Democratic primaries in 2008. Bloomberg Politics editor Mike Halperin initially admitted thatthere's lots in there that confirm the suspicions of people about how the Clinton enterprise operates.”

The Huffington Post’s Sam Stein, said that this confirms sort of the worst portraits of the Clintons and how they operated out of office and it raises obvious questions about why they were accepting this money now, you know, there were charitable purposes that went along with the Clinton Foundation, but, of course, it came with a conflict of interest.”