Cops Blast Amazon For Peddling 'Blue Lives Murder' Merchandise

Brittany M. Hughes | June 1, 2021

A police association is taking aim at Amazon – figuratively, not literally, since such things apparently need to be said out loud these days – as the online retailer continues to feature “Blue Lives Murder” merchandise sold by private sellers on its website.

Amazon, which has historically exercised its right to remove certain products from its web store including items they deem “racist” or bigoted, is continuing to allow t-shirts and other apparel with the slogan “Blue Lives Murder,” a play on the phrase "Black Lives Matter, to be sold on their platform. Other merchandise features the phrase “Blue Lives Aren’t Real.” 

And the Detectives’ Endowment Association isn’t happy about it. In a letter penned to Amazon and its CEO, Jeff Bezos, the group slammed the online retailer for allowing the t-shirts to be sold on the site and demanded the items be removed immediately.

“It has come to my attention that your website is selling tee-shirts (sic) and other items emblazoned with the words ‘Blue Lives Murder,'” the letter read, per the New York Post.

“It’s disheartening that your company would allow this disgusting motto on your sales platform,” the letter continued, accusing Amazon “[putting] the lives of Police Officers, and all law enforcement nationwide, at peril and risk” by peddling the “vile slogan.”

Amazon made headlines earlier this year for announcing they would no longer allow books to be sold on their platform that frame transgenderism as a mental illness. The website also removed shirts and other products referring to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in vulgar terms, including one that read "Joe and the Hoe," as well as products linked to Q-Anon.