FLASHBACK: Rashida Tlaib Loses It In Activism-Fueled Tirade During 2016 Trump Speech

Nick Kangadis | July 22, 2019

Conrgesswoman, activist or both? That’s the question some people are asking on Twitter on Monday after video has resurfaced of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) losing her mind while being dragged out of a speech then-nominee Donald Trump was giving in 2016 on economic policy.

Watch below:

So, Tlaib was screaming that other people are “crazy” while literally going crazy.

Tlaib is no stranger to showing her “classier” side.

Hours after taking office in January, Tlaib told a crowd of supporters, at an event reportedly sponsored by the far-left MoveOn.org, that she told her young son that “we’re going to impeach the motherf***er” in reference to President Donald Trump. That comment came just moments after Tlaib told her supporters that she never felt “so Palestinian.”

You can watch that video below (WARNING: Foul Language):


For those that continually criticize the way Trump speaks, without criticizing the way Tlaib speaks, might want to check their own racism and sexism meters. Trump isn’t above criticism, but neither is Tlaib — no matter how much her and the rest of “The Squad” will call you racist for doing so.