Obama in 2009: If the Economy isn't Fixed in Three Years There Will be a "One Term Proposition"

Stephen Gutowski | June 15, 2011

While being interviewed on the February 2nd 2009 "Today" Show on President Obama said that if he can't turn the economy around after three years "then there is going to be a one term proposition". (h/t Ace of Spades)

This gives President Obama about 8 months to bring back the nearly 2 million jobs Americans have lost since the implementation of his landmark stimulus bill and then add millions more in order to reach a similar employment level as the stimulus was supposed to impart on the country. I suppose that gives us a solid date at which we can begin to fully and fairly judge the President's economic performance. It looks like once February of 2012 rolls around President Obama and his allies will have to be comfortable with taking full responsibility of our economic troubles.

Then again, I guess the chair of the DNC wouldn't be terribly comfortable with taking responsibility next February. It seems she doesn't want to wait that long. Here she is in her own words this morning:

Now people no longer have to worry who should get credit for our economic situation once the next election roles around. The President and DNC chair agree that the Democrats own this economy. I doubt they'll receive much push back on that contention.