Stewart Caught Off-Guard About Daily Show Pre-Taped Interviews in Reddit AMA About His Film

Katie Rodriguez | November 14, 2014

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart may be going into serious documentary filmmaking with his new documentary "Rosewater" set to be released in theaters Friday, but that didn't stop Redditors from asking questions about his day job.

Lots of Redditors asked Stewart more light-hearted questions like who is his favorite superhero and what is his favorite thing to eat, but one Redditor decided to ask a hardball question in the AMA about his pre-taped interviews on The Daily Show:

Stewart seemed to dodge the question in this AMA, but a deeper look into each of these figures' complaints may show something more.

CEO and financial commentator Peter Schiff said that of the four hours of interviews he sat through, the producers only used about 75 seconds of his comments and the information they used put his comments about the "intellectually disabled" in an unfair light:

" use of the words “mentally retarded” (when Samantha Bee asked me who might be willing to work for $2 per hour – a figure she suggested) has come to define the entire interview. Although I had no intention of offending anyone, I just couldn’t remember the politically correct term currently in use (it is “intellectually disabled”). Assuming she knew it, Bee could have prompted me with the correct term, but she chose not to. By including those comments in the final package, “The Daily Show” proved that they did not care who they offended, as long as they could make me look bad in the process."

Wayne Allen Root, Obama's former classmate admitted in an interview with Nick Gillespie at Reason that his words were taken out of context when he went on the show to discuss the IRS scandal:

"They committed FRAUD by only using the sentence or two they wanted to."

Out of the three who had a bone to pick with the show, Matt Slick of the Christian Apologetics Ministry had the biggest bone to pick with producers because they never listened to his complaints.  Slick said producers contacted him to speak about bias against Christians in relation to homosexuality, but when they edited him out and he complained, the producers would not supply him with a copy of the tape.

Now notice what happened on the show.  They had me saying, "The reverse happens as well [camera angle change] where homosexuals go out and find straights to beat up."  That is not what I said.  I said "I don't know about bullying where homosexuals go out and find straights to beat up."  But they made it look as if I was saying that there are groups of homosexuals who go looking for heterosexuals to attack as though that is some normal behavior of homosexuals. This was a blatant misrepresentation.  

Complaints aside, the Redditor who asked that question will hopefully give those who respect journalistic integrity a shred of hope about the American public's views on media bias.