AMLO’s Campaign Against Republicans Gets Airtime at Telemundo

Kathleen Krumhansl | March 15, 2023
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NACHO LOZANO: Mexico launched a diplomatic offensive to counter one from a sector of the Republican Party committed to fighting drug trafficking by sending U.S. troops to Mexico.

Issa Osorio, tell us what the Foreign Minister of Mexico has done. Go ahead.

ISSA OSORIO: Hi Nacho. Mexican diplomacy has taken measures against last week's Republican offensive to send military personnel to Mexico to fight the drug cartels. Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard traveled to Washington and met with the 52 consuls of Mexico in that country, as well as with Esteban Moctezuma, the ambassador of Mexico; and instructed them to run an information campaign against attacks by Republicans.

In addition, Ebrard asked the consuls to inform the Mexican government’s effots against drug trafficking.


LOZANO: Thank you very much, Issa. And with regard to this meeting that you mention between the ambassador of the United States in Mexico and representatives of the legislature, also in Mexico, with President López Obrador, it must be said that they talked, this group of politicians, about progress in the war against fentanyl, and we, of course, will be reporting on it later. And we will follow up on this.