MSNBC Analyst: Pro-Trump 'White' FBI Targets Hillary Because It's Not Diverse

Scott Whitlock | November 4, 2016
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[See NewsBusters for more.] Appearing on MSNBC, Friday, the liberal Ana Marie Cox sneered that the only reason the FBI has renewed its interest in Hillary Clinton is because the department is “largely male and largely white.”  She also blasted Donald Trump as a "psychopathic bigot." Additionally, former Newsweek senior editor Howard Fineman dismissed James Comey’s actions recently as at least partly to “cover his rear politically.” Cox, now the senior political correspondent for MTV News, slimed the FBI as full of bigots: “One reason why the FBI might be so pro-Trump is that it looks like Trump. because its  largely male and largely white.” She hissed that “those are the people that go for Trump in general.”