Joseph Vazquez
MRC Business Associate Editor

Joseph is the MRC Business Associate Editor. He graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. in Political Science from The George Washington University in 2018. In June, 2019, he completed an exclusive fellowship with the Hertog Foundation, where he participated in their "Nuclear Strategy and World Order" program. For MRC Business, he oversees projects and media coverage concerning dark money, political spending, economics and finance. His work has been featured on Drudge Report, Fox News, Fox Business, Breitbart, Life News, The Daily Wire, Bongino Report, The Washington Times, Washington Examiner, CBN News, Savage Nation and The Mark Levin Show. 

Joseph Vazquez | January 27, 2025
This weekend, a radio station owned by the George Soros-controlled Audacy outrageously identified the vehicle whereabouts of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents operating in East San Jose, California, which is known for violent gang activity. Story here. 
Joseph Vazquez | January 20, 2025
A New York Times writer is using birds to wokescold the American electorate for turning the dial back on climate change progress by electing President Donald Trump.  Siri, define birdbrain. As if we needed more evidence to prove why lefty media types are completely unaware that they have a particularly unique avian-like obsession for living rent-free in their own reality-detached climate…
Joseph Vazquez | July 29, 2024
MRC Business took a trip down memory lane to illustrate why Netflix co-founder and Executive Chairman Reed Hastings’ multimillion-dollar support for Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidency is about as cringy as it gets.   The Information reported July 23 that Hastings gave a whopping $7 million donation to the leftist Republican Accountability PAC to bolster Harris’ candidacy, “his biggest…