ABC Drags Potential SCOTUS Pick For...His Tweets About Cornbread and Puppies

Brittany M. Hughes | July 2, 2018

ABC dragged potential Trump SCOTUS pick Don Willett for tweeting out bad dad jokes, Rick Astley lyrics and a picture of cornbread in the shape of Texas.

Willett, who currently serves on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, is reportedly on President Trump’s short list of potential nominees to fill Justice Anthony Kennedy’s soon-to-be-vacant seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. And according to ABC, the man's "odd social media habits" raise questions over his ability to serve fairly as a SCOTUS judge.

And this apparently includes the guy's 6-month-old tweets about puppies. 

I wish I were kidding, but I'm not. Here are the four tweets ABC decided “raise questions for some of judicial impartiality”:

A joke about his young son confusing the term “eminent” for the rapper “Eminem.”

A tweet about some puppies.

A Rick Astley pun.

Cornbread shaped like the Lone Star state.

"With Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announcing his retirement on Wednesday, and Willett’s name appearing on a list of Trump’s potential Supreme Court nominees, the judge’s frequent tweeting last year raises questions for some of judicial impartiality," ABC laments. (And, side note: Willett hasn’t even tweeted since January 1.)

Here's an actual blurb taken straight from their shocking exposé:

Legal scholars say there’s no legal provision prohibiting Supreme Court justices from sharing their opinions online or in speeches. The Supreme Court has maintained that the strict code of conduct that applies to lower court judges does not apply to them, but that doesn’t mean that the legal community looks favorably on justices making public comments.

“I believe those types of comments do considerable damage to the integrity of the court,” said Jonathan Turley, a constitutional law expert and a law professor at George Washington University who has criticized what he calls the “rise of the celebrity justice.”

Yep. A tweet about Labrador puppies may do “considerable damage to the integrity of the court.” That’s ABC's hot take of the day.

Of course, Twitter rightly called ABC out for writing an absolutely idiotic article on a judge’s social media posts about cornbread and dogs.

Good job exposing yourselves for the brazenly partisan hacks you are, ABC. Maybe next time, use something better than a judge’s rick-rolling dad joke to hide it.