Thank God activist David Hogg is here to show us what it’s truly like trying to hold onto 15 minutes of fame. Without him, how would we know which companies to support and which companies to file under the “quivering piles of capitulation category?”
Hogg initially tweeted on Monday that he was going to announce a new boycott. This upcoming boycott followed his call in March for advertisers to boycott Fox News Channel's "The Ingraham Angle" after host Laura Ingraham called him a whiner for tweeting that some colleges had rejected him.
I'm relieved to inform you all that Hogg's new boycott is here!
In a tweet he sent out Tuesday evening, Hogg targeted mutual fund companies that invest in firearm manufacturing stocks. The two companies are investment management companies BlackRock and The Vanguard Group.
Here’s the tweet:
Yeah, everyone! Feel free to let companies that are interested in making money for their clients know that they should drop valuable stock because they invest in something David Hogg disagrees with. The ego on this guy is bordering on maniacal.
In a subsequent tweet, Hogg officially used his self-righteous hashtags to show everyone just how serious he is about this.
Pay attention to Hogg, everyone! Here’s the aforementioned hashtag tweet:
Phew! I feel better knowing that Hogg created an official hashtag for his crusade to persecute the Second Amendment.
The majority of responses to Hogg’s tweets were of the mocking and not-buying-your-crap variety:
People have caught on to you, Mr. Hogg. It’s just sad at this point.