Adam Driver Show's Hollywood's Best Side By Helping a Veteran

Bryan Michalek | June 30, 2017

The political landscape today is scarred by the aftermath of the 2016 election, with everyone fighting and finding themselves further propelled to opposite ends of the ideological spectrum. One of the most polarized groups are those labeled Hollywood celebrities. But in a time when Tinseltown has become known for disturbing left-wing propaganda, one actor has instead been using his influence to help some of our most deserving Americans.

“Star Wars” villain Adam Driver was once an active member of the U.S. Marine Corps, but due to an injury, he was denied the chance to serve in Iraq. Since then, Driver has shown a fierce dedication to lending his help and influence to the veteran community in the United States.

The “Force Awakens” actor has developed partnerships with companies like Budweiser and organizations such as  Folds of Honor, which supports many veterans in need. Budweiser has raised around $12 million for the organization.

The most recent recipient of Driver's help is John Williams, an Army veteran. Williams was injured during a training exercise and not permitted to go on tour with his fellow army soldiers, and his injury affects his ability to work even today. His daughter, Hayley, is currently enrolled in nursing school and applied for a Folds of Honor scholarship on a chance that they might be able to provide her the assistance she needs to finish her final year, since her father is unable to work and help her with the bills.

According to Wide Open Country, Hayley estimates her tuition to be around $40,000 a year.

In return for her hard work and her father’s valor, Driver headed to the Williams' home to personally tell the family that not only did Hailey receive a scholarship, but her final year of college would be completely covered. Check it out for yourself right here.


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