Allen West: "Help Me Dispel the Myths of Black Conservatism"

Alicia Powe | January 27, 2012





Republicans have an obvious branding and or marketing problem.  

More than 95 percent of black voters voted Democrat in the last election and only 8 or 10 percent of blacks vote regularly with the GOP, yet 33 percent of blacks poll as conservatives. 

 The conservative voice in the black community remains mostly unacknowledged by politicians and the public alike.

 Florida Republican Allen West brought black officials and community leaders from around the country to Capitol Hill Monday to 'Dispel the Myths of Black Conservatism', address loyalty amongst African Americans to the Democrat party, unemployment and social disparity in minority and urban communities.

 “I am hoping this forum will begin to shed light on how we can change this status quo. It is very important that we take it upon ourselves,” said West. “I don’t need to sit back and wait for a party to do something I know needs to be done.”

 “There are so many times where I go out and someone will say, ‘hey West I agree with you too.’ I mean look, well why are you whispering?” asked West. “We shout at football games, we shout at church, we need to start shouting about the principles that make us who we are."

Today unemployment is close to 17 percent for black adult males twenty years of age and older and 40.4 percent of black teenagers are unemployed.  President Obama has failed to articulate any policy to address this crisis that is evident in urban America.

Black unemployment was lower under Bush than it had been at any point during Obama's administration. Black unemployment was in fact even lower under Bush than it was under Clinton. 

The word ‘conservative’ has a negative connotation in the black community and is synonymous with racist, but Conservative Democrats blocked civil rights legislation, wrote the Jim Crow laws and started the KKK.

"Democrat Conservatives are the ones who hold dear to the racist fathers, Republican Conservatives to hold dear to the principles of the founding fathers," said KCarl Smith, founder of the Fredrick Douglas Republicans in Alabama.

 Liberals give license to “gate keepers” to come after black conservative leaders and counter any strategy that conservatives have to dismantle this propaganda.

 “The left is quick to get Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to speak on behalf of all blacks and we know of course they don’t. But there is still a face, where is the face of the conservative movement that you can send down into the gallows of our urban centers who are able to connect emotionally?” said Sheriff David Clarke Jr. of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.

“When people see what happened to Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, or Michael Steele they think ‘I don’t want that to happen to me’," he said. 

 “We cannot forget how much resistance there is going to be from blacks who are on the other side who don’t want to give up power and influence, said Congressman Tim  Scott. “They make sure that we are portrayed as the enemy and the traitor that has turned our back on the people, though they’re the ones who shouldn’t be trusted.”

"You sprinkle in a heavy dose of far left pop culture and presto, you have foolishness at warps speed" said Fred Solomon, a community activist from Alabama.

Conservatives have the right message but are losing the propaganda war. Ignorance of  facts makes people susceptible to professional race hustlers that sell racial division, outright lies and hatred.

“People for so long have been told that two plus two equals seven, than all of a sudden someone comes along and says two plus two equals four,  and they say ‘he’s forgotten where he’s come from.’ I think we should all want the facts,” said former Congressman of Oklahoma, JC Watts

As citizens of the freest nation on Earth, we  must abandon inherited philosophies, become critical thinkers and sincerely investigate truth, or live by default and succumb to the Jedi-mind trick of believing  conservative Republicans are racists, when indeed the Democrat Party has done nothing to advance civil rights.

While the conservative black voice has always existed, it is more important now than ever that it be recognized and encouraged. 

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