Amazon Limits Reviews of Comey Book to Those Who Actually Bought It

Nick Kangadis | April 24, 2018

The pettiness in comments sections across the internet isn’t exclusive to one side of the aisle. People go out of their way to leave reviews on material that — more times than not — they haven’t even skimmed over.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

Online retailer Amazon have limited who can leave a review of former FBI Director James Comey’s book “A Higher Loyalty” as a result of people leaving comments who’ve never read the book and simply dislike Comey. Amazon is limiting the review section to those who actually purchased the book.

Dislike Comey all you want — the man brings it upon himself — but the Amazon review section for books isn’t like a Facebook comments section or a Twitter thread. It’s a place to let other prospective buyers of an item know whether said item is worth buying or not.

“We never reject reviews based on star rating or sentiment,” Amazon told Fox Business. “When numerous reviews post in a short amount of time that are unrelated to the product, we suppress all non-Amazon Verified Purchase (AVP) reviews. Reviews are meant to help customers by providing real feedback on a product from other customers who have tried it.”

There’s no problem with leaving a negative review of a book if a person has at least skimmed through it. But, to leave a review that isn’t a review at all is petty, and it makes that person no better than liberals who do the same thing in order to shut down free speech. That type of act kind of makes the person a hypocrite.

The fact that so many people left hateful reviews that Amazon felt it necessary to place restrictions on who can review the product tells you that a lot of people have way too much time on their hands.

If the forum were a comments section of Facebook or Twitter, say whatever it is you want to say. Those platforms are precisely for that kind of thing.

You can dislike or like whoever you want to. That’s the beauty of free speech. But, to comment on something you have no clue about does nothing more than make you look ignorant.