Andy Ngo on CNN: Is America 'Attuned to When the Left Goes Too Far?'

Eric Schaffer | July 2, 2019

Tuesday morning on CNN’s New Day, Andy Ngo joined John Berman to discuss his assault at the hands of ANTIFA which lead to his receiving a brain hemorrhage.

“I am glad to be out of the hospital,” Ngo said, an apparent slowness to his speech,  “I'm surprised at various times I'm having these cognitive hiccups that weren't really apparent to me from just laying in bed in a hospital. But now that I'm trying to return to more normal activities they're becoming more apparent.”

Regarding ANTIFA’s radical leftism, Ngo said: “I think this country, rightfully, is very attuned to knowing and sensing when the right goes too far. It was only just days ago that James Fields was sentenced for his murder of Heather Heyer. I wonder if the rest -- if this country, though, is also attuned to when the left can go too far?”

Despite giving NGO some airtime, CNN still refused to call ANTIFA a left-wing force and emphasized that Ngo is a “conservative” journalist.