Another 76 Shot In NYC As Violent Crime Skyrockets Amid Police Budget Cuts

Brittany M. Hughes | August 17, 2020

As the NYPD endures crippling budget cuts mandated by city officials desperate to please the radical, anti-cop leftists screaming in the streets, fatal shootings in the Big Apple continue to rise at a record pace.

Reports state another 76 people were shot, 14 of them fatally, in New York City last week alone. That’s on top of the 62 who were shot the week before that.

For those who don’t do math, that’s 138 people shot in the last two weeks alone. By comparison, only 24 were shot during those same two-week time frame last year. 

The New York Post reports the sale of bulletproof vests have hit record highs as the number of shootings in the city have already surged past 2019 totals, with five months still left in 2020.

Earlier this summer, the city acquiesced to Black Lives Matters' demands and agreed to slash $1 billion from the NYPD's budget. Simultaneously, during the month of June alone, the NYPD reported a 130 percent uptick in the number of shootings, a 30 percent increase in murders, a 118 percent surge in the number of burglaries, and a 51 percent increase in the number of car thefts -- all while arrests dropped by 40,000.

As NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio was busy painting “Black Lives Matter” on the street in front of Trump Tower, MRCTV reported a viral video back in July showing a man gunned down at an intersection in broad daylight while walking with his young daughter.

But according to Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the surge in crime is because more people need to "shoplift some bread" to "feed their child."