The levels of stupidity that domestic terrorist group Antifa puts out there would be funny if they weren’t so dangerous. Now, the "anti-fascist" group is apparentlywilling to target even people who agree with them -- if said people dare to still love their country.
“Progressive” protester Paul Welch joined hundreds of others, including Antifa, in Portland on Aug. 4 to counter-protest a “right-wing rally.” The only problem was that Antifa took issue with Welch carrying an American flag.
“I didn't come as a part of any one group," Welch told The Oregonian, who reported the story on Monday. "I was just protesting outsiders coming here for their tacitly fascist event.”
Welch was subsequently assaulted by Antifa members simply for carrying an American flag, which Antifa says is a fascist symbol.
Take a look:
While Welch might be as misguided as most of the Antifa members that I’ve ever come across, he at least still appreciated his country enough to carry the flag.
The Oregonian reported:
As blood began to pool around Welch's head, a group of volunteer street medics rushed to his aid, he said. Another medic eventually got Welch into a car and drove to an urgent care clinic on North Interstate Avenue.
It took four staples to close the 3-inch gash in the back of his head, Welch said. He spent the next two days recovering from a concussion, though he was able to return to work.
“It strikes me as the worst sort of political theater," Welch said. "It's kind of like you're playing into your opponents' hands when you do that sort of thing. That's not what I was there for.”
Well, Mr. Welch. That's what Antifa is - "the worst sort of political theater."
Welch was a “Bernie Bro” during the 2016 election and currently helps out Occupy ICE protesters, when he’s not working.
FYI, Antifa has no interest in making the U.S. a better place. They yell, scream, spit, cuss, destroy property and even assault people, all in an effort to not have to deal with things they can’t handle — like life.
Life happens. Not everything is going to go your way. We know that Antifa has no problem causing harm to people that don’t agree with them. But, when you begin assaulting people who agree with you because of small differences, then you become the real “oppressor.”
You can’t fight fascism, and/or perceived fascism, with actual fascism. It’s even funnier that most of these Antifa members are Communists and Anarchists. That level of hypocrisy and stupidity pretty much makes them the biggest of fascists.