Art Festival Plans to Erect a 45-Foot Naked Woman Sculpture On the National Mall

ashley.rae | September 28, 2017

Organizers for an art festival are seeking $90,000 to erect a 45-foot-tall sculpture of a naked woman on the National Mall as way to combat the objectification of female bodies.

WTOP reports the Catharsis on the Mall organizers are trying to raise money to move the sculpture, known as R-Evolution, from San Francisco to Washington D.C. so it can be placed on the National Mall facing the White House, for all festival-goers and tourists to see.

The fundraising page for the move, which has received almost $20,000 in three days (albeit only 22 percent of its goal), claims the R-Evolution sculpture can “be a catalyst to social change.”

“R-Evolution is Deja Solis, a woman standing in her strength and power… expressing her humanity; how she feels when she is safe, when she can just be,” the page reads.

According to the fundraising page, the sculpture is part of a collection of three statues that allegedly fight against objectification — with huge breasts.

R-Evolution is the third in a series of three monumental sculptures, The Bliss Project, by artist Marco Cochrane conceived of in collaboration with model Deja Solis, these sculptures are intended to demand a change in perspective… to be agents for social change. They are intended to challenge the viewer to see past the sexual charge that has developed around the female body, to the person: to de-objectify women and inspire people across the world to take action to end violence against women, create space for women’s voices and demand equal rights for all, thus allowing everyone to live fully and thrive.

If they succeed, the sculpture will be on display until March. The Catharsis on the Mall festival only runs from Nov. 9 to Nov. 12. According to reports, the National Park Service has already granted permission for the statue, but say volunteers must keep a vigil by it at all times.

While probably the most explicit, the sculpture certainly wouldn’t be the strangest thing to face the White House. In August, someone put a huge 30-foot inflatable chicken right behind the building.

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