Supporters of the right to self-defense consistently show themselves to be incredibly resourceful and very bright in the face of continuous attacks by politicians on virtually every level. The latest example of their smarts comes thanks to Arizona’s Mohave County Board of Supervisors, and their recent vote to join 126 other political jurisdictions in the US in declaring that their boundaries are a “Second Amendment Sanctuary”.
As HavasuNews reports, Board Chairwoman Hildy Angius offered this to the large crowd attending the Board meeting:
‘(The resolution) is nothing legally binding,’ Angius reiterated at the meeting. ‘It’s a statement by a government entity about something we feel strongly about. It’s not a law or an ordinance – it’s a resolution of support. We have the support of the Sheriff (Tom Sheahan), and if it ever gets to the point where the courts would have to get involved because of gun laws implemented by the feds or the state, we would step up and fight them.’
Of course, some pro-self-defense observers might level criticism at Angius and the majority on the Mohave County Board. They might note that the Second Amendment is supposed to make the entire US a “Self-defense Sanctuary” via its prohibition against any level of government infringement of the right to keep and bear arms.
But the folks behind this initiative in Mohave County likely understand that, and this is part of the point they are attempting to make.
The idea that functionaries within a sub-unit political entity of the United States should have to openly declare that they will abide by the explicit commands of the US Constitution is so absurd, it draws attention to the more widespread poison directed against the Constitution by many other politicians. The prohibition against any political group infringing on right to self-defense is supposed to be a given, and the fact that these Board members feel it incumbent on themselves to reiterate this fact exposes how far many generations of politicians have gone to attack that right.
“Awr Hawkins” notes for Brietbart that this follows on the heels of two Texas counties doing the same:
Parker County, Texas, declared Second Amendment Sanctuary status last week and on October 9, 2019, Breitbart News reported that Hood County, Texas, declared Second Amendment Sanctuary status as well.
That makes 127 total, as FoxNews reported during their interview with Dianna Muller, a former Tulsa, AZ police officer, and Chris Cheng, a champion sports shooter both of whom are supporters of resolutions such as these. Said Muller:
I’m happy to see them embrace the Second Amendment when the Second Amendment is being attacked like it is.
Observed Cheng:
We’re defending the Constitution. I’m in wholehearted favor of more counties and cities making themselves Second Amendment Sanctuaries.
While it should not be necessary, it is encouraging and educational to see more local political officials and police officers openly vowing to NOT COMPLY with any anti-gun statute, with any so-called regulation or mandate telling the local officials to infringe on the right to self defense.
Like the citizens who have refused to comply with the Trump Administration “gun-stock ban”, this new move by Mohave County and other jurisdictions is part of a growing trend. Now, people are either openly defying or promising to openly defy political mandates that stand in opposition to Natural Law.
And this is civil disobedience in action. It’s tied to our heritage, going back to the days of British Common Law, and to Aristotle and Socrates. Despite the fact that it is not needed, the very act of proclaiming their intent to disobey any orders to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms indicates how insatiable the anti-rights predators are.
As if shooting flares into the sky, these supporters of Second Amendment Sanctuaries are signaling that all is not well for our rights.
And the signal is being received.