AZ State Senator: If Illegal Immigrants Keep Coming, We’ll Keep ‘Moving Them on a Town Near You’

Craig Bannister | May 11, 2023
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If U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) can’t control the surge of illegal immigrants coming into his state when the Title 42 border-enforcement measure ends Thursday, Arizona will use its own buses to ship them “to a town near you,” State Sen. Tim Dunn (R-Ariz.) warns.

Sen. Dunn was one of three state legislators who discussed the border crisis Thursday on Fox & Friends First, where he explained that his state will use its own buses to relocate the illegal immigrants out of his overburdened state:

“We’ve already been inundated for the last three and a half years, so we are at our wit’s end, we are at capacity on our NGOs. And so, we are working together with the governor and with our local BPS just to try to mitigate the situation the best we can and keep processing and moving them out of our state, because we cannot handle them here in the state.

“And, we’re going to keep sending them with our own buses, if the CBP can’t control it, and moving them on out of the state to a town near you.”

“Every state is a border crisis,” New Hampshire State Sen. Jeb Bradley (R) concurred, citing the influx of deadly drugs and human traffickers coming in from neighboring Canada.

“What we’re trying to here, as state legislators, is maximize every tool at our resource,” Florida State Rep. Jon Snyder (R) added, promising that his state will continue to send illegal immigrants to the so-called “sanctuary cities” that claim they want to take them in and use taxpayers’ money to support them:

“We are going to continue to make sure that, if migrants come into our state, we will send them to the sanctuary cites that have given them pre-consent to come and live off of their taxpayers, and not ours.”