Bernie Sanders Says The 'Ultra-Rich' Have Been 'Looting' America For 40 Years

Brittany M. Hughes | June 2, 2020

According to Bernie Sanders, it’s not crazy Antifa or violent Black Lives Matter protesters who are “looting” America – it’s rich people.

Never mind all the stores being robbed and windows smashed in and buildings burned and glass in the streets of just about every major city in America right now. Nope, it’s those filthy one-percenters you should really be worried about.

Or at least, that’s according to the democratic socialist-turned-twice-failed presidential candidate who owns three houses, who hasn’t said a single word about the violent looters who’ve been burning down cities for the past four nights…but did find the time to tweet about the wealthy.

“The richest 400 Americans sit on $3 trillion—the size of the entire UK economy, Sanders tweeted. “The billionaire class now pays a lower tax rate than people living paycheck to paycheck. The looting of America has been going on for over 40 years—and the culprits are the ultra-rich.”



Of course, it's lost on Sanders that socialism, the economic model he espouses, typically leads to...well, more rioting, looting and general civil unrest, given that it renders everyone so poor that they can't afford basic commodities like food and clean water.


(Cover Photo: Gage Skidmore)

But, details.