Biden Claims Record Numbers of Americans 'Feel Financially Comfortable'

Brittany M. Hughes | June 3, 2022
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Don’t do drugs, OK?

They might sound like fun. They might even be legal where you live – or, maybe the left-wing nutjobs in your town just don’t enforce the law.

But trust me: don’t do drugs. Because if you do, you might end up sounding like President Joe Biden, who must have gotten ahold of something that might have looked like oregano but wasn’t, and started once again babbling nonsense that exists so far outside the realm of reality, he might as well have claimed he rode into the presser on a purple unicorn in a puff of fairy farts.

On the heels of skyrocketing inflation, record grocery and gas prices, and a bleak futures report for the cost of consumer goods, Biden alleged this week that more Americans are – get ready for this – saving more, spending less, and feel just fine and dandy about their wallets.

"Since I took office, families are carrying less debt. Their average savings are up," he alleged. "A recent survey from the Federal Reserve found more Americans feel financially comfortable since any time that the survey began in 2013."

The fine folks at the Federal Reserve must be smoking the same stuff as Biden, because that’s not at all what other polls have reflected.

According to a Gallup poll from April, 48% of Americans say their financial situation is getting worse, compared to 37% who say it’s improving. Another survey found that “Americans are more likely today than they were a year ago to report being ‘very’ or ‘moderately worried’ about several aspects of their finances, reversing the improvement seen last year,” with 40 percent saying they’re most concerned about being able to pay their monthly bills.

Which makes sense, given that consumers are paying more for everything from gas and food to rent, clothing, and household goods.

Comparatively, in February of 2020, just a month before the COVID pandemic hit the United States and about three years into President Trump’s term, Gallup had found American optimism about their personal finances had hit a record high, with 59% of Americans saying they were better off financially now than they were the year before.

But hey, no more mean tweets!