Bike Shop Denies Entry to Men to Make Store 'More Inviting and Inclusive'

ashley.rae | June 2, 2015

A Canadian bike shop that claims to want to create a “a safe place for anyone to visit regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, nationality, language, or ability” allegedly denied entry to a man because of his gender.

According to Metro News Canada, a man named “John” was denied entry to the Edmonton Bicycle Commuters’ Society’s BikeWorks South store because he happened to go to the shop on a particular Sunday that falls on a day as designated solely for “women, trans and gender non-binary” individuals.

The BikeWorks South shop describes its “Women, Trans and Gender Non-Binary Program” as part of "an effort to make our space more inviting and inclusive every day of the week" - by excluding men.

The website for the BikeWorks “Women, Trans and Gender Non-Binary" program states the program occurs three Sundays each month. On those days, “[O]nly those who identify as women, trans or gender non-binary individuals” are permitted to enter the shop.

Apparently, problems with the “Women, Trans and Gender Non-Binary Program” arise often enough to warrant a “Frequently Asked Questions” section on the program’s website. The FAQ reiterates men are not allowed in the shop - unless they are men who identify as women:

Q: What if someone is trans and male bodied, or male bodied but otherwise identifies as female, or identifies as female only some of the time, or is female-bodied but identifies as male, or doesn't identify as either male or female, etc etc etc?

A: If you genuinely relate to the experience of being woman trans or non-binary on a daily basis, you are welcome to participate in our Women, Trans & Gender Non-Binary program. And no, you cannot participate if you are man wearing a wig/dress, and we are tired of that joke. We won't even fake a laugh.

Men are not even allowed to enter the store as invited guests of the women in the store:

Q: I am a woman shopping for a bike. Can I bring a male friend with me to the Women, Trans & Gender-Non-Binary program to help me choose a bike?

A: No. […]

Men also cannot ask a woman to go in the store on their behalf, as it would be “disrespectful,” “disempowering,” and “belittling” to the point of “reinforcing toxic gender stereotypes”:

Q: I am a man. Can I send my girlfriend/wife to pick up parts for me?

A: […] However, if you are a man who is sending a woman in on your behalf with a shopping list while you lurk just outside the door, you are being extremely disrespectful to both the woman who is helping you and to the goals and volunteers of our program. Our aim is to empower and educate women, trans and non-binary folk, and by standing outside yelling instructions you are disempowering and belittling the people working inside and reinforcing toxic gender stereotypes.

John told Metro News Canada he has filed a complaint with the Alberta Human Rights Commission. In a Reddit thread discussing the situation, John encouraged other men to take action if they too feel as if they have been targets of discrimination by the shop. BikeWorks predicted there would be concerns regarding whether the program violates human rights, to which the FAQ assures, “No.”

Despite the decision to deny entry to men on certain days of the month, BikeWorks insists, "We greatly value the importance of welcoming and supporting all people at BikeWorks. "