Bike-Touring Musician's Unique Gift

Tyler McNally | May 15, 2015

Joey Chang has a unique gift. The "world's first long distance musical bike touring cellist," Chang, or CelloJoe as he is better known, combines multiple different musical styles to create a conglomerate of sounds at the same time.

GoPro recently featured CelloJoe, following him on the road as a touring musician. According to Chang's website, "he has ridden his bike over 10,000 miles in the US, Canada, Mexico, Europe and Australia."

Chang brings with him a large variety of equipment -including delay pedals, a detachable cello, microphones, and even a bike-powered speakers. All of this is hauled along on his bike as he travels from city to city playing in clubs and on the streets.

Chang's website says that he "records live on stage with a loop pedal and produces intricate tapestries of harmony, melody, and rhythm. His beatboxing (vocal percussion) and funky cello grooves form a rich soundscape for intelligent lyrics..."

Check it out.