Blarney Joe Says Ireland Rugby Team Defeated Infamous Paramilitary Group

John Simmons | April 13, 2023
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President Joe Biden is off touring Ireland, probably because he can’t stand to be near the mess he’s made in America.

While in the country, he visited a pub in Dublin -- as tradition dictates- - and he proceeded to give another one of his infamous rambling speeches. As you could expect, he said something he and his PR team wished he could take back.

Biden has extended family living on the Emerald Isle, including a distant cousin named Rob Kearney, a star rugby player for Ireland’s national team. During his speech, Kearney and Irish Foreign Minister Micheál Martin were standing next to him, and Biden tried to draw attention to an amazing achievement Kearney had accomplished in his career.

Kearney was part of a squad that defeated New Zealand’s national team in 2016 for the first time in 111 years. New Zealand is known as the “All Blacks” due to their uniform's color scheme.

But Biden got that mixed up in that wonderful brain of his, and instead stated that Kearney helped defeat the “Black and Tans,” a British paramilitary group that became notorious in the Irish War of Independence.

It's a sensitive topic in Irish history, and the Irish by and large were not amused. Despite the White House press’ attempts to smooth the situation over, Comedian Oliver Callan roasted Biden over the gaffe and said what most people were probably thinking on Twitter.

If Biden’s team wants to keep making more work for themselves by putting the president in front of a microphone, so be it. It’ll be decent entertainment for the rest of us and perhaps the only positive thing to come out of his time in office.

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