Breaking Down HR 4 -'The Pelosi Power Grab'

Jessica Kramer | September 2, 2021
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H.R. 1, the insultingly labeled “For The People Act”, that attacked the power of people on the state level to control the parameters of their elections was stopped - but the leftist attempt to take over elections now continues with H.R. 4.

The measure has been referred to by some as the "Pelosi Power Grab" and Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation explains that H.R. 4, is just the back door way of getting H.R. 1 to take over elections.

“H.R. 4 is a really dangerous bill, because what it does is it tells states all over the country that if they make certain changes in their election laws, those laws will not be effective until and unless they are first preapproved and okayed by federal bureaucrats at the Department of Justice,” von Spakovsky says.

Von Spakovsky notes that states would not be able to pass a bill on voter ID or even move a polling location without receiving federal approval.

“It’s a real invasion of state sovereignty.”

For a detailed breakdown of H.B. 4 watch the complete interview above.
