Biden Goes OFF on Gun Rights, Lies About Cannons, and Butchers a Jefferson Quote - In About 20 Seconds

Brittany M. Hughes | September 27, 2024
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Joe Biden lost it again.

And by “it,” I mean his tenuous grasp on senility. And by “again,” I mean for like, the 47th time. Today.

The 82-year-old president, who has largely been shuffled off to the side by his own party after being replaced on the Democratic ticket by his own vice president, went on an angry tirade against the Second Amendment Thursday, ranting that the law as originally written didn’t include the private ownership of cannons.

(Side note: it did, actually, which is a fact that’s been reiterated every time Biden has repeated this lie, but apparently hasn’t stuck in the mothball-ridden attic that is his cranium.)

“I taught constitutional law for years. Constitutional law,” Biden rambled. “Never was the Second Amendment meant to be absolute. Back when it was passed, you couldn’t own a cannon.”

Which isn’t true - Americans could, and still can, own cannons. In fact, many of the cannons used during the American Revolution were privately owned, as were many of the ships (which, incidentally, also included cannons).

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Oh, but Biden wasn’t done. In an effort to make his point, he began yelling at the chuckling audience before absolutely butchering a quote from Thomas Jefferson.

“I’m not joking!” he hollered. “People are like…you know…’The uh…liberty of Americans is watered with the blood of patriots.’ Like hell.”

That quote, which I'm fairly certain Jefferson wouldn't appreciate being so casually dismissed, actually goes, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Just as the puddle of Biden’s memory must be refreshed by vacations, pudding cups, and shots of B-12.

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