Child TRASHES Walmart While Stunned Customers, Employees Just Stare

Brittany M. Hughes | December 2, 2024
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Shocking video from a U.S. Walmart shows an elementary-age child going on an absolute rampage through the refrigerated aisle, throwing food and glass bottles all over the floor while stunned onlookers try to figure out what’s going on, and how best to stop it - if they can at all.

In the undated cell phone clip, the young black girl, who looks to be around 7 or 8, can be seen casually strolling through the cheese, yogurt, and packaged meat section, randomly grabbing items and violently chucking them to the ground. No parent or guardian arrives to deal with the kid during the entire two-minute video, even as a large crowd of customers and seemingly helpless Walmart employees gather around.

After a few moments, two women try to intervene, gently grabbing the girl by the arm in an effort to restrain her as she struggles. Another woman scolds them for touching the child, advising them to let her go and “not put hands on another person’s child.” The situation sparks a heated discussion among customers and store workers, who can’t seem to decide how to handle the situation and who repeatedly ask where the girl’s parents are. Meanwhile, the emotionally dead-panned kid continues to destroy food displays, not saying a single word.

At one point, an employee suggests calling for help.

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“Don’t report her! You don’t know what she’s been through - don’t y’all do that to a little girl!” another lady can be heard shouting at the employees, even as the girl starts grabbing bottles of sparkling cider and smashing them to the floor, sending shards of glass and fizzy red liquid everywhere just as the clip cuts out.

It's not clear from the video how the whole situation wrapped up - but in an ideal world, it would've ended with a handcuffed kid, an embarrassed parent, and Walmart handing these fools a bill for every piece of merchandise wasted. Then again, I'd be shocked if any of that actually happened.

Our society is crumbling, and the lack of basic parenting is in large part why. Perhaps if we stopped giving snot-nosed brats a pass for destructive criminal behavior, we'd get back to some basic decency.