'Free Palestine OR ELSE': Pro-Hamas Protesters Burn American Flags In NYC

Brittany M. Hughes | April 16, 2024
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Nothing quite says “freedom of speech” like insulting the very country that enshrined yours into law. And yet, the irony seems to be lost on pro-terrorism supporters in NYC, who proceeded to light American and Israeli flags on fire while chanting “death to America” this week.

One Hamas-loving protester held a sign that read “Free Palestine OR ELSE” against the backdrop of a U.S. flag engulfed in flames. Others yelled “Shut it down!” to a drumbeat - though it’s unclear exactly what they want shut down, considering their very right to stand in a public street and holler idiocies is being protected by the “system” that they supposedly want to dismantle.

Here’s a thought, while we’re spitballing here: how about you morons trot on over to Gaza, plunk your entitled rear ends down in their town square, and start spewing your progressive garbage. See how far that gets you.

Related: Levin: ‘Hey Biden, This Is How a Real President Deals with the Iranian Terror Regime!’

Just don’t run this direction when you’re forced to flee for your lives.

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