Missouri AG Launches Investigation Into Gym For Letting a Man Use the Women's Locker Room

Brittany M. Hughes | August 2, 2024
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Missouri’s attorney general is launching a potential criminal investigation into a gym for openly allowing a man to use the women’s restroom and changing facilities, while ordering concerned female customers to use the man’s “preferred pronouns.”

According to an open letter sent to Life Time Fitness in Ellisville by Missouri AG Andrew Bailey, his office is now looking into the allegations, which he says not only put the safety of women at risk in order to appease the alphabet mafia, but also may violate multiple state laws.

“It has come to my attention that Life Time Fitness has proudly adopted a policy that permits biological men to use locker rooms designated specifically for women and young girls. Even more concerning is the fact that instead of taking the safety concerns from your gym members seriously, you rudely correct them and insist they call this biological male by the ‘correct pronouns,’” Bailey’s letter reads.

“While it might be considered fashionable in certain corporate boardrooms to pretend that biology is irrelevant, the American heartland still lives in reality. Missourians recognize that allowing adult men to openly invade and disrobe in spaces set aside for women and young girls is indefensible and places political correctness above public safety.  That is why I am putting you on notice that you are under investigation,” he continues.

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The incident in question was actually posted on social media by Eris Montano, the man who used the locker room. In the post, Montano said that a woman - who he described in his post as "very Karen" - confronted him about being in the female-only space, only to later realize he'd actually been the subject of multiple complaints from concerned women.

Montano added the gym eventually took his side and promised to "educate their membership" on why men should be allowed in changing rooms with women and little girls. 



In his letter, Bailey pointed out that under the state’s criminal trespass law, “When restrooms are separately designated for males and females, one is only permitted to use the restroom designed for his or her gender.”

“Additionally, a male who exposes his genitals in the presence of others in the restroom may be subject to further criminal liability for multiple sexual offenses, including sexual misconduct in the first degree and the felony offense of sexual misconduct involving a child,” he went on, telling the gym, “Your policies are enabling potentially criminal behavior, and I am writing to assure you that it will not continue on my watch.”

At least someone out there is trying to defend women and girls from having to sacrifice every bit of their private space to gender-deluded men.

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