Volvo's New Ad Is Tear-jerkingly Pro-Life, and We're Here For It

Brittany M. Hughes | November 22, 2024
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As families across the country prepare to gather for the holidays, Volvo just released what might be the most pro-life ad we've seen in a long time. Which, in a sea of ultra-woke garbage and leftwing propaganda being pushed on nearly every commercial, social media campaign, and store shelf in the country, is a major breath of fresh air.

The nearly four-minute full-length ad kicks off with a wife telling her husband she’s pregnant, sparking a time-lapsed journey throughout the young family’s early life and culminating in the flashback moment when the woman, having just found out she’s expecting a baby, is nearly hit at a crosswalk by a distracted driver.

While the commercial is clearly meant to illustrate the safety features of Volvo’s newest model, the underlying message is clear: children are a blessing, life is incredibly precious and worth protecting, and your family will forever be your greatest joy.

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On that note, I’m off to my local dealership - and you can check out the ad for yourself here (after you grab a box of tissues):

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