Cali Sen. Pens Bill Allowing 12-Year-Olds to Get Vaxxed Without Parental Consent

Brittany M. Hughes | January 25, 2022

A California state senator has just introduced a bill that would lower the age of consent to 12 for kids who want to get vaccinated against their parents’ wishes.

Scott Wiener, a Democrat and the brilliant mind behind the recently enacted California bill that lessened the penalty for gay men caught having sex with minors and also penned a bill allowing state inmates to be incarcerated according to their “gender identity, is back with a brand new plan to let children make their own medical decisions without the knowledge or sign-off from their parents. 

“I introduced new legislation (#SB866) to lower the vaccine age of consent from 18 to 12,” Wiener posted to Twitter Monday night. 

“Unvaccinated teens are at risk, put others at risk & make schools less safe. They often can’t work, participate in sports, or go to friends’ homes. Let’s let teens protect their health,” he went on.

Oh, but he wasn’t done.

“[1 million] 12-17 year olds in CA aren’t vaccinated for COVID,” he continued, sifting the blame to those evil parents who don’t want to jab their kids with a shot meant to protect against a disease that largely doesn’t threaten children or young adults. 

“Many want to get vaccinated but parents won’t let them or aren’t making the time to take them. Teens shouldn’t have to rely on parents’ views & availability to protect themselves from a deadly virus,” he said.

Related: NY Teacher Arrested For Giving 17-Year-Old a COVID Jab At Home Without Parental Consent

What’s the answer when a parent won’t let an adolescent child, whose brain is still developing and who doesn’t have the same capacity for informed reasoning and logic as an adult, make their own medical decisions?

Why, enter the state, of course!

“California law already allows 12-17 year olds to access various forms of healthcare without parental consent, eg: HPV & hep B vaccines, abortion care, birth control, mental healthcare, domestic violence-related care,” Wiener explained. “SB 866 builds on this existing law to expand vaccine access.”

The bill “allows 12-17 year olds to consent to any vaccine approved or granted emergency use authorization by the FDA & recommended by the CDC,” Weiner added.

Because I'm sure those same independent-minded children would be left to make their own medical decisions, including whether or not to get vaccinated, entirely on their own, and would not at all be coerced, intimidated, encouraged or outright forced to get the jab by, oh, say, their own teachers, coaches, or faculty members, or goaded into getting them by celebrities paid to stump for the government's mandates on T.V.

Never mind, of course, that it’s the taxpaying parent who pays for all this, and who has to foot the bill for any medical repercussions for anything that might go wrong with a child getting meds and abortions that their legal guardians didn’t sign off on.

The message wrought throughout liberals’ approach to COVID – whether through changes to consent laws to vax mandates for children to school boards going to war with parents over mask rules and school closures – is abundantly clear, and they’ve made no attempt to hide it: leftists believe your kids belong to the state, not to you. 


It’s as simple as that. 


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