On January 28, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued a tweet that would not only spark international headlines, but open the Canadian floodgates to a massive influx of immigration.
The notorious tweet read:
Since that tweet hit the web, Canada has experienced an unprecedented amount of asylum speakers that have overwhelmed its immigration organizations. The open letter to come to America's northern neighbor, combined with a growing fear of deportation under the Trump administration, caused a stream of illegal immigrants and many others under Temporary Protected States to flee north.
However, the situation was not as picturesque as the Prime Minister had made it seem in his tweet. In August alone, Canada's federal government found that 5,712 refugees had arrived in the country, marking an 82 percent jump from the previous month.
Customs and Immigration Union President Jean-Pierre Fortin claimed that there's also been a change in the demographics of these asylum seekers. Over the summer, the number of Haitian citizens entering Canada increased dramatically, most likely an indicator of Canada's perception as a safe haven.
This summer influx has brought the total number of asylum seekers entering illegally into Canada to a staggering 13,211 so far in 2017, including an ever-increasing number of citizens from El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Honduras.
Fortin believes that the sheer number of arrivals will create a crisis, but other reports show that crisis has already arrived.
Now, Canadians are pushing back. According to a Reuters poll, nearly half said they thought illegal border crossers would make the country "less safe" -- a rational case, considering the nearly planet-wide threat of terrorism.
In addition, conservatives in the country have verbally attacked Trudeau for his irresponsible choice of words used in his tweet.Thanks to the outrage, Trudeau has been forced to backtrack from his original position a bit. Earlier this month Trudeau sent Montreal MP Pablo Rodriguez to Los Angeles to speak with lawmakers, immigration advocates, and members of the Latino community in an effort to spread the message that the country will no longer be the automatic haven that Trudeau once claimed on Twitter.
Trudeau also made remarks about the state of immigration, saying "You will not be at an advantage if you choose to enter Canada irregularly. You must follow the rules and there are many."
Looks like Trudeau should have focused a little more on his country, and a little less on political pandering.
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