Candace Owens to Dems: Have Some Respect for Sexual Assault Victims

Monica Sanchez | September 18, 2018

Conservative commentator and Turning Point USA communications director Candace Owens on Tuesday slammed Democrats and the Left for “politicizing sexual assault.”

Owens in an interview on Fox News said that the move by Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats to reveal a sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh just days before the vote for his confirmation – as opposed to during the four days of exhaustive hearings or the 65 meetings he had with senators prior – was “the most disgusting thing they have done yet.”

"We have reached peak lunacy on the left,” said Owens. “This is, by the way, the most disgusting thing they have done yet, politicizing sexual assault and politicizing rape.”

She said that the #MeToo movement, which she has spoken out against in the past, is being “hijacked and weaponized” for political gain in the case of Kavanaugh.

"Any movement that is rooted in victimization is going to be hijacked and weaponized by the left, and that's exactly what we're seeing happen here," she said.

“This is just the next logical step in them trying to delay his confirmation,” said Owens.

She added that anyone who “actually supports sexual assault victims should be speaking out against this, because this is absolutely, as I said before, disgusting, despicable behavior.”

“And someone should be held accountable for this,” she said.

A public hearing has been scheduled for Monday where Judge Kavanaugh and his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, are expected to testify.

Thursday's committee confirmation vote has been postponed.