Charge: Planned Parenthood Forced Her To 'Recycle' Her Fetus

Jeffdunetz | August 18, 2015

When Nancy went to Planned Parenthood to have an abortion, they asked her to sign the fetal tissue donation form. She refused to sign until they told her that if she doesn't sign she can't have the abortion, besides it's not really a baby anyway.

In a story appearing in Live Action News, we learn about Nancy Tanner who had an abortion performed at a Washington, D.C. Planned Parenthood clinic.

“I was second-guessing my decision to have the abortion.” Nancy says. “And as I was filling out the paperwork, I saw a permission slip that dealt with the disposal of the “products of conception.”

“Products of conception” is Planned Parenthood’s clinical way of saying "baby." Nancy figured out that they were asking for permission to donate the body of her child for scientific research, and she didn't want to sign.

She says that the nurse must have sensed her uneasiness about signing it, because she recalled that the nurse “asked me if I was an organ donor, and I told her that I was;” Nancy said, “she told me that this (the fetal tissue donation) was of a similar value.”

In the "National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act of 1993,” Congress wanted to ensure that the decision to have an abortion was kept separate from the decision of donating fetal tissue. The reason being that the offer to donate tissue may motivate a women who was on the fence about ending the life of her baby to go through with the process because of the "good" of donating the baby's body to science:

Relevant part of the act says:

“Human fetal tissue may be used only if the attending physician with respect to obtaining the tissue from the woman involved makes a statement, made in writing and signed by the physician, declaring that the consent of the woman for the abortion was obtained prior to requesting or obtaining consent for the donation of the tissue.” 

According to Nancy, this rule was violated in her case, and when she wanted to get off the table, they told he it was too late.  And, as for the tissue donation, they claimed they were taking what isn't really a baby and using it for something good.  

It was if that live child was about to be reduced to the latest plastic recycling effort. 

I said I didn’t want to sign it (the fetal tissue donation consent form) and they said I had to or I couldn’t have the abortion. I didn’t want my baby to be used for scientific research and I was told, “Don’t worry, it’s not a baby.” I told her I had two daughters already and I knew what a baby was. She said, “We don’t think its a baby.”

I had changed my mind. I was looking for a way out of going through with the abortion, so I thought about just not signing the (fetal tissue donation) consent form. But the Planned Parenthood Staffer told me “what you think of as a “baby” will be used for something good.” So I signed the form. I was on the table, but wanted to leave and I was pushed back down. They said it was too late to change my mind.

The cramping was horrible… After the machine was finally turned off, the doctor took the jar and right in front of me, he dumped the contents onto a tray and started looking for the pieces… “I can’t find all the parts. How pregnant were you?” He yelled at me! “If you get an infection it’s not my fault.” Then he turned the machine back on and vacuumed some more. That was worse than the first time.

When I left, I stopped at the desk and asked for my tissue donation consent form back because I wanted to rip it up. They told me, “It’s too late, we don’t have it anymore.”

In the recently-released sixth Center for Medical Progress video exposing Planned Parenthood, ex-tissue procurement specialist Holly O’Donnell, who worked inside a Planned Parenthood claimed this kind of illegally secured consent “happened all the time.”

“Some of these women don’t know if they are going to get an abortion.” O’Donnell said, “Some aren’t 100% sure that they are going to get it done.”

The article's author wondered:

How many women could have subconsciously decided to have an abortion that they otherwise wouldn’t have gotten because they were told their donation would benefit medical research? How many more women out there were victims of illegal and unethical consent practices at the hands of Planned Parenthood? 

“She said that abortion was a good choice for me since I had other children and was separated from my husband… She told me that what I had referred to as my ‘baby’ would be used for something good. She said that I should give honor to what I thought was my ‘child”‘by signing the form. In my very confused state I listened to her say it was a ‘good’ thing to do, and I caved.” Nancy said.

So what does this say of Planned Parenthood? If abortions are the “waste” – like the paper towels in the study cited earlier – then could offering the option to “recycle” actually be leading to more abortions? And if Planned Parenthood is getting compensated for this “recycling,” wouldn’t that encourage providers to try to convince more “confused” women like Nancy that abortion is the best “choice” for them – a choice that studies have shown makes women six times more likely to commit suicide, 40% more likely to suffer from major depressive symptoms, and have a higher risk for breast cancer.

But, it goes much further than that: if we consider the taking of a human life and dissection of its corpse as merely recycling tissue - the same way we separate newspapers, cans, and bottles and place them by the street once a week - what does it say about how our society views all life? Is shooting your neighbor okay as long as you donate the tissues to science?

​The Talmud (the volume of books dedicated to Jewish Law) says, "Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world."

With its practice of cheapening the perception of life in order to push abortions and mutilate the dead fetus, Planned Parenthood is not only destroying the soul and life of the aborted baby, but also a bit of the soul of the mother who they confounded with their twisted logic. And as the ancient Rabbis implied, each time Planned Parenthood successfully convinces a woman it is just recycling, the disposal of the “products of conception," they are destroying part of the soul which gives us our humanity and, thus, the entire world.