Christine Blasey Ford To Reap $1 Million From Crowdfunding, May Be Entertaining a Book Deal

Brittany M. Hughes | October 29, 2018

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman with "nothing to gain" who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her back in high school, may have fallen out of left-wing favor after her political usefulness dried up – but that doesn’t mean she's gotten nothing for her trouble.

According to Real Clear Investigations, Ford, who famously testified against Kavanaugh during a dramatic series of Senate Judiciary hearings last month, stands to reap about $1 million from crowdfunding campaigns launched in her name. On top of that, she’s rumored to be entertaining book offers by several publishing companies.

The report notes that two GoFundMe campaigns have together raised more than $842,000 in support of Ford, while a third account for an academic endowment has collected another $120,000 in her name. Real Clear Investigations reports:

The potential seven-figure windfall, which she says she intends to cash in on – while still asking donors for more money – has some questioning her motivation for accusing the conservative judge after 35 years of silence, and whether it goes beyond personal or even political justice. Others worry the largesse sets a dangerous precedent: Crowdfunding, which unlike political donations is unregulated, could be routinely used in the future as a bounty for providing political dirt on opponents.

Ford said in a statement posted to one of the GoFundMe accounts that she plans to use the money for “security, housing, transportation and other related expenses,’ which she claims are “much higher than we anticipated.”

“We have already had to move four times, our movements are limited even with security, and the threats are ongoing,” Ford said in an appeal for more money.

Despite the high donation fund, Ford’s legal expenses, travel and security for her round of hearings in D.C. were paid for in full by Democrats. In addition, her attorneys testified that they were representing Ford pro bono. It’s also been pointed out that the Ford family’s “moves” have either been to stay with relatives or to relocate to their own luxury beach house in Santa Cruz – a house that, according to Real Clear Investigations’ analysis of local records, Ford had applied to extensively renovate just two weeks before sending a letter accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault to Senate Democrats.

(Cover Photo: Ninian Reid)