Circling the Drain? Separate Surveys Indicate LESS Than 2 in 10 Americans Think Country's Headed in Right Direction

Nick Kangadis | May 20, 2022
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There’s a question that needs to be asked once you take in the following information: Depending on which poll you reference, less than two out of 10 Americans think the country is headed in the right direction. The question is, what’s happened that nearly two people think the country’s going in the right direction?

The Monmouth University Polling Institute came out with results from a national poll on “ABORTION, ECONOMY TOP MIDTERM ISSUES” on May 12 and noted that “just 18% of Americans say the country is headed in the right direction. The poll stated that 807 people were surveyed.

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In a separate NBC News survey, only 16 percent of the 1,000 adults surveyed said the U.S. is headed in the right direction. The same survey, released just a few days earlier than the Monmouth survey, reported that 39 percent of respondents approve of the job President Joe Biden is doing — or not doing.

As MRCTV’s Brittany Hughes reported on May 16, “That’s down 3 percentage points from the 42% approval rating he had in early May.”

One has to wonder whether the American people are buying that the Biden regime is trying to fix the problems facing the U.S., since that same regime seems to be the ones who caused the problems in the first place.


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