Clinton Offers Unpaid Interns ‘Free Coffee’ and ‘Great Views’

ashley.rae | August 17, 2015

In order to entice college students to intern at Hillary Clinton’s swanky Brooklyn campaign headquarters for no pay, the Clinton campaign promised “free coffee” and “great views” along with “the chance to make history.”

The Clinton campaign sent out a tweet yesterday with a link describing the perks of interning at Clinton’s NYC headquarters:

The link provided to apply for the internship includes the terms and conditions in order to be eligible for the internship. Students must:

“Be currently enrolled in a two or four-year accredited institution, currently enrolled in a graduate or an advanced degree program, or recently graduated from a two or four-year accredited institution with the intent to enroll in a graduate program (graduated no more than six months from start date); and

Certify that he/she will not accept compensation from any outside organization (including college or university funds) for participating in the HFA Internship Program.”

In addition to agreeing not to accept outside compensation for the internship, the campaign website notes, “HFA is an unpaid internship program.”

Clinton recently came under fire for not paying her interns. In an op-ed on USA Today, a prospective Clinton intern detailed how she had to turn down her dream internship because Clinton's lack of pay for interns is contributing to an “exploitative system.” 

As a result of the unpaid internship dilemma coming to light, Clinton decided to pay eight of her formerly unpaid interns—after they were designated as field staffers.