CNN Stages a Fake Muslim Protest After London Attack?

Nick Kangadis | June 5, 2017

If you ever wanted actual proof of fake news, this might be it.

According to a video that surfaced on Twitter on Sunday, it appears CNN International (CNNi) actually staged a demonstration to use as a backdrop for a segment on the outpouring of support from the Muslim community after Saturday evening’s  London terrorist attack, in which seven people died and 48 others were injured.

This is the alleged footage of CNNi's Becky Anderson and other CNN employees placing the people into the shot:

The Left in the media have continually pushed the “It’s not about Islam” narrative, one Muslim terrorist attack at a time.

Of course, CNN propagandist Brian Stelter claimed on Twitter that there was nothing disingenuous about the segment:

Brian Stelter Tweet

However, the Twitter user (@markantro) who reportedly filmed the “staging” countered Stelter’s claim about police with a claim of his own:

@markantro tweet

The whole situation once again begs the question, what information, if any, can you trust that comes from the media?

Here is the actual CNN segment using the alleged Muslim anti-jihadis:

Notice that CNN passes this segment off as an organic gathering of Muslims. Decide for yourself.

H/T: Daily Wire