CNN's Chris Cuomo Claims 'No One's Calling For a 2A Repeal.' There's Just One Problem.

Brittany M. Hughes | March 28, 2018

CNN's Chris Cuomo tweeted Tuesday claiming that “no one’s calling for a 2A repeal" or "proposing an unconstitutional taking of any right," alleging that those who cry foul over a proposed all-out gun grab are creating false “bogeymen.”

Chris Cuomo

There’s just one tiny fly in that logic ointment, and it comes in the form of all those people who’ve been..well, openly calling for a 2A repeal.

Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens did so just yesterday, publishing an article in the New York Times’ op-ed section literally entitled: Repeal the Second Amendment.

Kurt Eichenwald wrote a piece for Vanity Fair called “Let’s Repeal the Second Amendment.”

Here’s one from Rolling Stone: “Why It’s Time to Repeal the Second Amendment.”

Bret Stephens, again for the New York Times, wrote, “To Repeat: Repeal the Second Amendment.”

Then there were all these fools at the March For Our Lives calling for – what now? – take away everyone's guns and repeal the Second Amendment.


Then again, it IS Chris Cuomo, and he DOES anchor for CNN.

So basic facts aren't exactly his strong suit.