Bozell: Media Will Refuse to Cover Levin’s New Book – Even if a Million People Buy It

Craig Bannister | September 15, 2023
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Liberal media have stubbornly refused to cover any book written by conservative commentator and Constitutional Scholar Mark Levin – and they won’t cover his new book, no matter how many people buy it – Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell explains in a new video.

“You won’t see it on ABC; you won’t see it mentioned on NBC or CBS or CNN or MSNBC, because they refuse to cover any book that Mark Levin writes, even if a million people buy his books,” Bozell says.

“But, this is a book that you must read: I’ve read it; it is frightening,” Bozell says, urging all Americans to buy and read Levin’s new book, “THE DEMOCRAT PARTY HATES AMERICA.”

Today, the nation is no longer engaged in a contest between conservatives and liberals, but in an “existential battle for the future of America” against “the party of the Neo-Marxist Left,” Bozell says.

Levin displays “incredible scholarship” in his book, Bozell notes, commending the painstaking research and historical fact that Levin employed to document Democrats’ authoritarian, anti-Semitic, racist, Stalinist history and their war on both the Constitution and the American citizen.

Levin’s “THE DEMOCRAT PARTY HATES AMERICA” goes on sale Tuesday, September 19, 2023.