“We’re getting like one or two a day,” Fox News Host Sean Hannity said Thursday, listing the growing number of policy flip-flops by Vice President Kamala Harris now that she’s running for president.
“That’s where a dishonest paid politician that wants power and is highly ambitious will say and do anything to get elected,” Hannity said in the latest episode of this eponymous television program.
“And, if her positions have truly changed, then she owes you some answers,” Hannity said, casting doubt on the sincerity of Harris’ reversal on a host of issues (emphasis added):
“Why does she no longer support her mandatory federal gun buy-back, ostensibly gun confiscation?
“Why does she no longer support Medicare-For-All, her plan that she co-sponsored in the Senate that would eliminate all private health insurance?
“Why does she no longer support government-guaranteed jobs? That was a part of the New Green Deal that, again, she co-sponsored in the U.S. Senate.”
“Why does Kamala no longer support a ban on fracking – something she proclaimed many, many, many times.”
“Why does she no longer support defunding the police and directing funds away from police departments.”
“Why is she no longer tweeting out the bail fund, after the Minneapolis police precinct was burned to the ground?”
“And Kamala, are you still against deporting illegal aliens?” Hannity asked, before playing a montage of Harris voicing opposition to both deporting illegal aliens and treating them as criminals.
As the nation’s border czar appointed by Pres. Biden, Harris has unequivocally failed to stem the tide of illegal immigrants pouring into the U.S., Hannity noted, asking Harris what she would say to the Americans who have had family members brutally raped or murdered by illegal aliens she allowed to flood into the country.