“This is a dictator’s election,” conservative commentator and Constitutional Scholar Mark Levin warned Monday, explaining how liberal media are lying to the American people in order to help Democrats seize total control of their lives.
Using their platforms to censor, smear and character-assassinate her opposition, media are using classic authoritarian, state-run media tactics to sway the 2024 election in favor of Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris, Levin explained on his nationally-syndicated radio program:
“They’re not an American media; they are not a free press. They are the media of the Democratic Party base. They are trying to influence the low-information voters and zealots. They know it’s a close race. They know it comes down to a handful of states.”
“They don’t give a crap about the 330 million Americans in this country,” but simply want to seize control of every aspect of Americans’ lives, Levin said:
“Are we…going to allow ourselves to succumb to bald-faced lies, to people who will say anything and do anything and preach anything, depending on whom they’re speaking to, depending on the moment, in order to seize control from you and me, in order to seize power and confer it on themselves and their friends, in order to prevent us from living prosperous lives, and our children from living prosperous lies, telling us what kind of car we can drive, what kind of fan we can put in our house, what kind of light bulb we can put in our home, telling us the little things, the big things, the middle things, telling us everything we must do?”
“Are we going to bend to this?” Levin asked.
The media are lying to voters about Harris’ true agenda on issues such as taxes, the border crisis, prices and the production of domestic energy, Levin said, noting how the Democrat candidate has surrounded herself with people who hate America, its citizens and capitalism – such as George Soros-backed prosecutors, Islamists and Hamas supporters.
“The propagandists on TV, these filthy, poisonous cancerous liars who call themselves Democrats, are using the free press “to advance an autocratic notion of what America should be to, to lie to the American people, to be demagogues and propagandists, day in and frigging day out,” Levin said.
“Are we going to succumb to this? I sure as hell hope not,” Levin concluded.