More than 70% of Americans Reject Transgender Agenda on Multiple Fronts

Craig Bannister | January 21, 2025
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As President Donald Trump begins has second term in the White House, Americans are voicing their opposition to the transgender policies and initiatives advanced by the Biden Administration, results of a New York Times/Ipsos poll released over the weekend reveal.

Americans strongly agree that society has gone far enough – some say, too far – to accommodate transgender ideology, according to the results of the national survey of American adults, conducted January 2-10.

More than three-fourths (77%) of U.S. adults say that society has at least far enough to accommodate transgender people, including half (49%) who think it’s gone “too far.” Notably, even 62% of Democrat Americans believe the nation has gone either far enough (39%) or too far (23%).

Separately, four of five (79%) U.S. adults say that transgender females (“athletes who were born male but who currently identify as female”) should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports.

Contrary to Biden Administration policy, even two-thirds (67%) of U.S. adults who identify as Democrats agree that biological males should not be able to compete in women’s sports.

While nearly a third of Democrats (31%) think biological males should be allowed to compete against women, as long as they “identify” as female, that view is shared by only 5% of Republican and 10% of other-affiliated American adults.

Americans also largely say that doctors should not be able to “prescribe puberty-blocking drugs or hormone therapy to minors.”

Just 10% of U.S. adults think all minors ages 10 to 18 should have access to puberty-blocking drugs or hormone therapy. But, fully one in five (19%) Democrats think all minors should have access – compared to just 2% of Republican and other-affiliated Americans.

Another 16% of all adults would allow minors to receive puberty-blocking drugs or hormone therapy once they’re at least 15 years old. Again, Democrats (24%) are far more likely than either Republican (7%) or other-affiliated adults (10%) to hold that opinion.

In his inaugural address on Monday, President Donald Trump announced that, under his administration, the U.S. government will abandon social engineering and recognize the existence of only two genders – those dictated by biology:

“This week, I will also end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life.”

“As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male and female.”